The management of human resources has become an increasingly
important concept in our culture and society.
Although human resource departments are a secular development, they
represent an implicit recognition of Biblical truth: people and the
relationships among them are vitally important, and sin creates personal and
relational havoc wherever people live and interact. In business, human resource departments deal
with the struggles that emerge when sinful human beings work together, and
policies are established to promote a constructive relational environment in
which to work and also to limit the damage when sin takes it toll on that
God has a lot to say about the importance of people and
about the way He would like them to interact with one another. Man was created in His image, the image of a
relational three-in-one Triune God, to love Him and one another. Not only was man created from good “stock,”
but he was created to manage his Maker’s creation (Genesis 1:28) and to do
those good works that He specially and specifically designed him for (Eph.
2:10). He calls His people—the church—to
manifest His claim on us by loving one another (John 13:35). And we are taught that as the Lord does His
work in us, we will be fitted together into His temple (Eph. 2:21). It is beyond my scope here to discuss the
Bible’s comprehensive treatment of Godly relationship, but I would like to
offer a “shortcut” summary that I have found helpful in maintaining a Godly
relational perspective.
We all associate “HR” with human resources. I would like to take this acronym and use it
as a reminder of two critically important attitudes in relationship: Humility
and Respect.
Humility is, in essence, an acceptance of who we are as
creatures of the Lord of the universe, image-bearers of Christ, without
attempting to artificially add to that value by self-focused efforts at
performance and self-righteousness. It
is the recognition that we are sinners in need of a Savior. Humility is not about thinking of ourselves
as low, unworthy, or worthless. It is
rather about thinking correctly about ourselves. We are God’s glorious creatures, marred by
sin and selfishness, and redeemed by the blood of Christ. There is nothing we can add to Christ’s work
on our behalf. We have no grounds to
boast in ourselves. Bond-servants of
Christ have nothing to earn and nothing to prove. I very much appreciate C.S. Lewis’s
perspective on humility. In Mere Christianity, Lewis suggests that
the helpful way to avoid pride and maintain humility is to not think much about
ourselves at all. And indeed, if we are
keeping our eyes on our Master, we will not have the time or inclination to
focus on ourselves.
Respect is, at least in some sense, a fruit of
humility. As we bask in who we are as
image-bearers of Christ and heirs of heaven, and as we accept that we cannot
add to what Christ has done for us, we have no need to compare ourselves to or
compete with others. We can accept them
as fellow image-bearers of Christ, we can appreciate their God-given gifts, and
we can love them for who they are. We
have no need to approach from a superior or inferior position. Instead, we can offer genuine respect that
enables and encourages relationship.
Christ is our model as well as our Lord. The Apostle Paul teaches us that Jesus
emptied Himself and humbled Himself in becoming man and dying for us
(Philippians 2:5-8). And Jesus’s
approach to even the lowliest and most sinful members of society manifests an
incredible respect. So as we follow our
Lord and Master and internalize His humility and respect, we become wonderful
administrators of God’s HR department.