Thursday, July 25, 2024

Living in Love

 "Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within."

                                                                                           James Baldwin

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Faith Walking in a Secular World

 "...let every good and true Christian understand that wherever truth may be found, it belongs to the Master."                                                 Augustine

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sanctification by Grace

 The walk of faith is not a guilt trip.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Humility Thought For The Day

 "It is better to know some of the questions than all 

of the answers."              James Thurber

Monday, July 1, 2024

Celebrating Freedom

 July….  Independence Day!  Fellowship, fun, and fireworks….


On July 4, 1776, the leaders of our nation-to-be took a major step not simply toward independence of the thirteen British colonies in North America, but more importantly, toward a government that would view all human beings as having value.  The Revolutionary War made the Declaration of Independence a reality, and the thirteen colonies became free.  And so freedom has become synonymous with independence in American culture.  It is interesting that independence and freedom are not synonymous in Scripture. 


The celebration of Independence Day carries a potent reminder to believers that our lives of faith are not all about—or even mostly about—independence.  In fact, the Bible reminds us that an independent attitude can have disastrous results.  The archangel Lucifer was not content to remain dependent upon the LORD but rather decided to strive with God, to become like Him.  After Lucifer was expelled from heaven, he came as a serpent to tempt Eve, offering her the fruit that would make her wise like God.  If she were wise like God, she could be independent!  The American dream is older than America….And so Eve, and then Adam, took the fruit and ate.  Their choosing a way independent from the LORD immediately led to fear and shame.  And like Lucifer was expelled from heaven, Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden.  All of heaven wept, and all of God’s glorious creation has suffered ever since.


The “self-made man” that we often admire looks great through the lens of independence, but does not fare so well through the lens of Biblical truth.  The Bible is clear that it is God who has made us and not we ourselves (as proclaimed in the Book of Common Prayer).  He gives us every breath we take, and He is the genuine source of provision and protection.  We are called to trust in the LORD with all of our heart and lean not on our own understanding and to depend upon the Father for our daily bread.  We are called to glorify our Maker and by faith welcome the indwelling Holy Spirit who will enable us to be conformed to the character of Christ and transform us as He allows us to behold His glory.


The spirit of independence—which chants such mantras as “when you want something done right, do it yourself”—can wreak havoc in our relationships as well.  The Apostle Paul teaches us that as believers, we become members of one body—the body of Christ.  We cannot be independent any more than the parts of our physical bodies can be independent from one another.


Freedom, on the other hand, is a more Biblical concept, though again it differs significantly from the  world’s concept of freedom.  The Good News of the Gospel proclaims freedom from slavery to our sin nature and from the penalty and power of sin as set forth in God’s Law as recorded by Moses in the Old Testament.  We need no longer to be bound by sin and the fear and shame that follows.  But here is the irony about the freedom that the Bible proclaims: We can experience the freedom offered by God only if and as we relinquish our sin nature-driven desire to live independently from Him.  It is only as we become bond-servants of Christ, abiding in Him as the vine, that we can experience genuine freedom as well as peace and joy as we bear fruit for His glory.  And all of this is possible only as we recognize our need for the indwelling Holy Spirit and depend upon Him to complete the work He has begun in us.


And so while our celebration of Independence as a nation is quite appropriate, our July 4th activities also invite us to consider that as bond-servants of Christ, we choose—moment by moment--dependence upon Him rather than independence from Him.  And from that solid and safe foundation, we can rejoice in the eternal freedoms our Lord and Savior has won for us: His atonement for our sins on the cross has freed us from slavery to sin, and from the power and penalty of sin.  We walk free from the opinions and expectations of others, even (and sometimes especially) ourselves.  Praise God, indeed!





Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Lamp to My Feet, A Light to My Path

 In the middle of the 20th Century, what we now know as the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in the hilly desert region of Qumran and other locations.  From 1947 to 1956, approximately 900 manuscripts, dating from 250 BC to AD 68 were brought out from eleven desert caves after being hidden for two thousand years.  Scholars debate the identity of the scribes who left this treasure trove of documents; it is commonly believed that they were from a Jewish sect known as the Essenes, but we don’t know.  The scope and significance of such discoveries cannot be overestimated.  These documents represent our oldest copies of Biblical manuscripts.


Before the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, the oldest manuscripts scholars had to work with were texts from several centuries later.  The Masoretes were Jewish rabbinical scholars who made it their business to preserve and copy the Hebrew Scriptures completely and accurately.  The oldest complete copy of the Masoretic Text known to exist is the Leningrad Codex, dated to AD 1008.  It is this text that had served as the basis for most of the current translations.


The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls aroused more than academic interest.  With the appearance of Old Testament texts a thousand years older than the Masoretic texts, there was reason to wonder if the Bibles in circulation were as accurate as they could be.  Add to that the existence of the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures widely used by the early church, there was good reason for confusion and concern regarding which Biblical texts available to us were the least corrupted and most trustworthy.


Our Bibles today are still based for the most part on the Masoretic Text.  Extensive comparison studies of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Masoretic texts, and the Septuagint have revealed a truly remarkable harmony among these texts.  Despite the thousand-year time span, different sources, and questions of translation, these documents are astonishingly consistent with one another.  Although there are differences, and scholars continue to analyze and compare the texts in pursuit of the most accurate texts to use in translating Holy Scripture into modern languages, the differences are minor.  The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm to a very large degree the faithful transmission of Scripture from the time they were written until the Masoretic Text was completed.  And so we know, for example, that the creation account in Genesis Chapter 1 that we read in our Bibles is a careful translation of the same text that the Jews were using 500 years before Christ.  This brings me to the conclusion that not only did the Lord inspire His Word, He has also protected It.


Again, the history and reliability of our Biblical texts are of far more than academic interest.  They are not an intellectual curiosity.  God’s Word is the foundation for our faith and faith life, and its reliability is crucial.  The Dead Sea Scrolls offer a wonderful opportunity for multiple avenues of investigation, but I would argue that the most profitable of those avenues is that which has given us reason for confidence in our Scriptures.  The Jewish scribes responsible for them, and then the Masoretes who followed a millennium later, have mightily blessed us by their respect for the Scriptures and their diligence in copying them for subsequent generations.


The Scriptures that we hold in our hands are courtesy of those who valued God’s Word to the highest degree.  May we demonstrate our gratitude by following their example: may we treat God’s Word with reverence; but even more, may we take advantage of their gift by studying it and inviting the Holy Spirit to use it to conform our characters to Christ’s and to be progressively transformed into partners in His Kingdom’s work….





All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Power of Healthy Relationships


"You find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it."

                                                                         A.A. Milne, via Winnie the Pooh